Getting new fencing is not simply choosing what you want and building it, or having it built. What about the neighbours? If the local council regulations allow the type of fence you want, you probably feel like it’s okay to build it. Unfortunately, while the fence might be in your yard, or more likely on the boundary, the neighbours will be seeing one side of it every day. Like everything else, there is etiquette involved before you get all enthusiastic and start putting up that fence.
Common Boundaries
Even if you are replacing an existent fence, you need to have the property line checked again.
Your land titles should clearly indicate where everything starts and stops with regard to boundaries, but make sure. Get a surveyor to stake the property again so the fence goes in exactly the right position. Additionally, a surveyor can place stakes along the boundary, giving you a clearer idea of exactly where your fence can go.
Communication with the Neighbour
You cannot erect a fence in this country without having the neighbour agree to the design and cost, particularly as they are usually liable for half the cost anyway. Maybe the neighbour was considering a new fence anyway. It’s just common courtesy to have a nice neighbourly chat about it.